International Students info.

International Students who wish to attend Liceo 'C. Percoto' Upper Secondary/High School should kindly contact Prof. Myriam Roson at the following address:

You will receive all the necessary information and details for registration and attendance of the different Courses of our school.



“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today!” - Malcolm X, influential African American human rights activist (1925-1965) 

 Liceo “Caterina Percoto” State Upper Secondary/High School was founded in 1884 in Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia - North East of Italy.

 The school is co-education with about 1200 students, aged from 14 to 19.  

 Our Upper Secondary School is preparatory to University studies and demands high standards of work, behaviour and respect of Self and of Others. It offers all Students a wide range of academic subjects and provides educational opportunities, curricular and extracurricular courses and activities, to allow each Person to achieve their full potential.

 There are four different curricula at present:

    “Liceo Linguistico” students have foreign languages (English, French, German) as core subjects;

    “Liceo Scienze Umane” focuses on Human Sciences -  psycho/pedagogical/anthropological subjects;

    “Liceo Economico Sociale” have Pedagogy, Social Sciences, Law and Philosophy as core subjects;

    “Liceo Musicale” has Music and Musical Instruments as core subjects.

A variety of other subjects are also taught such as: Italian Language and Literature, Latin, Mathematics and Physics, Geography, History, Art, Science, Physical Education, Economics…

Music and additional foreign language courses (Spanish) are also offered as extra-curricular (after school) subjects. The students have a balanced preparation in both Humanities and in the Sciences.

Students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of afternoon activities: i.e.  Speech and Debate Club, school Choir, Orchestra,  Drama group, sport activities... 

See attached PRESENTATION for more details.


“Caterina Percoto” High School -PRESENTATION _1.pdf